Marcantonio Bentegodi
Piazzale Olimpia - 37138 - Verona
At any sporting event, a valid ticket for the purchased match and a valid ID must be presented at the request of stewards. IN VIEW OF THE CURRENT NEW STADIUM ENTRANCE PROCEDURES, IT IS ADVISABLE TO ARRIVE IN ADVANCE.
At the pre-filtering gates, spectators are required to show the stadium staff their season ticket or valid ticket for the day’s match, along with a valid ID. Once inside the stadium, spectators must go to the sector reserved for them and occupy their assigned seat. Below are the access gates to the “Bentegodi” stadium:
Gate 18 – 19 (Lower and upper South Curve)
Gate 18 – 19 (South Poltronissime)
Gates 12 – 13 (Poltronissime and east seats)
Gates 12 – 13 (East Parterre)
Gate 14 (Handicapped)
Gate 16 (Photographers)
Gate 9 (Upper and Lower East Curve)
Gate 9 (Armchairs east curve )
Gates 5 – 6 (Upper and lower north curve)
Gate 2 (West Poltronissime T – U)
Gate 2 (Armchairs and upper west grandstand)
Gate 23 (Armchairs west R – S)
Gate 23 (Armchairs and upper west grandstand)
Gate 25 (Press grandstand)
Gate 27 (Authority and honor grandstand)
DISABLES – Single match accreditation
For the 2022/23 sports season, Hellas Verona has set up an accreditation valid for a single match or for the entire season exclusively dedicated to access in the disabled sector for Serie A TIM 2022/23 and Coppa Italia 2022/23 matches at the ‘Bentegodi’ stadium.
Single match accreditation modalities:
People with disabilities, with a certificate of disability exclusively equal to 100% and requiring continuous assistance, will be able to access the ‘Bentegodi’ stadium free of charge together with an accompanying person. In order to apply for accreditation for an individual sporting event, the following documentation must be sent to from six and up to three days before the event:
– double-sided photocopy of a valid ID;
– photocopy of certificate certifying 100% disability;
– double-sided photocopy of an accompanying person’s ID;
– duly completed form;
– e-mail and/or telephone number.
Applications that are incomplete or lack the required documentation will not be considered valid.
Seasonal accreditation arrangements:
It is possible to apply for seasonal accreditation related to access in the disabled sector according to the procedures below. Disabled persons with a certificate of disability exclusively equal to 100% and who require continuous assistance will be able to access the ‘Bentegodi’ stadium free of charge together with an accompanying person.
From Monday, July 11, it will be possible to submit applications to apply for seasonal accreditation while seats last, according to the procedures below.
To submit the request for seasonal accreditation, valid for the entire Serie A TIM 2022/23 championship, it is necessary to fill out the appropriate form and send it to during the periods indicated above and at least five working days before the start of the championship. The secretariat will notify, to the contact details indicated on the form, the confirmation of the acceptance of the accreditation request; in case of no response, the request shall be considered rejected.
In order to gain access to the stadium, disabled fans must present themselves at gate No. 14 of the ‘Bentegodi’ stadium with the authorization and with only one accompanying person, necessarily of legal age. Access to the stadium will be free for both. This year access will be monitored so that the best solution can be found according to everyone’s needs and in compliance with current regulations.
For more information you can contact the secretariat during office hours at by pressing ‘0’ at the automated switchboard request.
In order to apply for accreditation for the upcoming sports season, you must then email the following documentation:
– double-sided photocopy of a valid ID card;
– photocopy of certificate certifying 100% disability;
– double-sided photocopy of an accompanying person’s ID;
– duly completed form;
– e-mail and/or telephone number.
Applications that are incomplete or lack the required documentation will not be considered valid.
The secretariat will notify the contact details indicated on the form to confirm acceptance of the accreditation application.
AIA-FIGC-CONI Card Accreditation.
For the 2022/23 football season, Hellas Verona has set up a procedure dedicated to the issuance of accreditation for Serie A TIM matches in favor of holders of CONI, (excluding CONI press cards), AIA, FIGC (including FIGC Tribuna d’Onore) cards in compliance with current regulations (D.M. 08/02/2007 n° 8).
To collect the coupons, it will be necessary to present oneself directly at the dedicated counter located at ticket office No. 1 at the ‘Bentegodi’ stadium (near gate 22 – Curva Sud) starting two hours before and until the whistle blows for the start of the match.
The card alone does not entitle the holder to entry, to collect the accreditation it will be essential to present the original and valid identification card, an ID and the Fan Card if the match is subject to this restriction.
The ticket will allow access only to an east-side sector, subject to availability, with entrance from gates No. 12 or No. 13, until all reserved seats are available. These accreditations will not be able to be reserved or reserved in advance, delivery will be made exclusively to the card holder and only one accreditation will be granted for each eligible cardholder as well as no accreditation can be collected for another cardholder. The issued ticket will be personal and non-transferable.
For matches against Milan, Inter, Juve and Napoli, accreditation will be guaranteed and granted to FIGC TRIBUNA D’ONORE and CONI TRIBUNA D’ONORE card holders only and the best available seats will be made available.
Access to the sports facility implies acceptance of current health protocols related to Covid-19 and all procedures aimed at mitigating the risk of infection or virus transmission, in compliance with current health regulations governing access to the facility and participation in events, and FIGC guidelines.
The above information may be subject to change if changes or updates in health regulations and anti-pandemic restrictions occur.
Under 14 Admission.
Children under the age of 14 may enter the stadium by presenting, in addition to the admission ticket, the self-certification herein in lieu of a personal ID. They must still be accompanied by a person over the age of 18.
The law (D.L. 8/2/2007 nr 8 converted, with amendment, into law 4/4/2007 nr 41) provides for the issuance of free named tickets to minors under the age of 14 accompanied by a parent or relative up to the fourth degree, to the maximum extent of one minor per adult, for a number of sports events not less than fifty percent of those organized during the year.
The adult is required to provide supervision of the minor for the duration of the sports event. Procedures for obtaining free tickets will be set by the organizing clubs.
Free tickets will be available for the following home matches in the 2022/23 season:
Hellas Verona-Udinese
Hellas Verona-Spezia
Hellas Verona-Cremonese
Hellas Verona-Lecce
Hellas Verona-Salernitana
Hellas Verona-Monza
Hellas Verona-Sassuolo
Hellas Verona-Bologna
Hellas Verona-Torino
Hellas Verona-Empoli
The coupons will be available for the Poltronissime Est sector while seats last.
On the occasion of these competitions it will be possible to request, by sending to the email copies of identity documents within a maximum of five working days before the event and leaving a telephone number to be contacted for payment by credit card (other forms of payment will not be possible).
Coupon issuance will be free for the Under 14 and at full fare for the accompanying adult.
The above list of matches will be updated during the course of the season, date and times of events may be subject to change. The above information may change if changes or updates to health regulations and pandemic restrictions occur.
Access to the sports facility implies acceptance of current health protocols related to Covid-19 and all procedures designed to mitigate the risk of infection or virus transmission, in compliance with current health regulations governing access to the facility and participation in events, and FIGC guidelines.
Journalists and media workers should report to the desk dedicated to them near gate No. 25, while photographers will access the facility from gate No. 16. How to apply for accreditation and access procedures for press, TV, radio and photographers are indicated in the Press Area section.
The entrance for banner holders has been identified in Gate No. 16.
The procedures for requesting authorization are indicated in the ‘banners’ section.
The application should be submitted by filling out the appropriate form (link at the bottom of the page) and attaching the following documents:
- copy of identity document
- photographic documentation
- declaration of approval of the product used (it is issued by the Ministry of the Interior to the manufacturer of the material. if it is from a foreign country it should be translated into Italian).
- declaration of conformity of the material (drawn up by the seller and/or the manufacturer, on a “model dich. conformità-2004”, it certifies that the product sold
- conforms to the approved material and gives the details)
- declaration of correct installation and/or fabrication (drawn up by the craftsman and/or company that makes the banner, on ‘dich. posa in opera-2004’)
Submission should be made by e-mail no later than 7 working days prior to the batch being requested.
The requests, duly filled out and accompanied by all the above-mentioned documentation, will be submitted to the g.o.s. (security operating group) for approval at a specific meeting to be held at the verona police headquarters in the days preceding the match.
Requests that have been approved by the g.o.s. will receive confirmation of approval by hellas verona f.c. by e-mail.
It should be noted that, in case of no response, the request is to be considered rejected.
Authorized applicants must present themselves, on the day of the match, no later than one hour before the start of the match, equipped with the communication received from hellas verona football club s.p.a as follows:
- material to be placed in the south and east side sectors: gate 16 (marathon)
- material to be placed in the west side sectors: gate 22
The authorized applicant, having completed the entrance controls, will be accompanied for the display of the banner by the stewards at the point corresponding to the assigned space. at the end of the match the banner and/or choreography (if reusable) must be removed and, if requested by the personnel in charge or even through the stadium’s audio communication system, re-presented in its entirety at the entrance gate. Flags bearing only the social colors of one’s own team and those of the states represented on the field with poles up to 1.25 meters hollow flexible and within 2 cm in diameter have no impediment to entry. For other flags, the authorization of the g.o.s. is required. the display of material other than that authorized will result in the immediate removal and removal from the facility of the offender(s) to whom the regulations regarding the prohibition of access to sports facilities may be applied as well as revoked the authorization to display the identifying banner of the club to which they belong. Hellas verona makes known the procedure to be followed for the introduction of flags – choreographic material inside the ‘Bentegodi’ stadium:
Authorized applicants must present themselves, on the day of the match, no later than one hour before the start of the match, equipped with the communication received from hellas verona football club s.p.a as follows:
- material to be placed in the south and east side sectors: gate 16 (marathon)
- material to be placed in the west side sectors: gate 22
The staff will check the presence of the name on the list of ‘approved flags’, noting down the cell phone number of the corresponding fan, so that they can be contacted during the competition in case of need.
Comparison of the flag with the description on the list (lettering, colors, size, pole characteristics).
The rod must be hollow and inspectable inside. Rods with closed, non-openable bottoms cannot be accepted. Temporarily deposit flags and rods near column 28 (for east and south side sectors) or at gate control point 22 (for west side sectors), taking care to maintain the rod-flag correspondence and having an attendant guard it.
The club informs that as per the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding drawn up on 04/08/17 and signed by the Ministry of the Interior, c.o.n.i, f.i.g.c. and Lega Serie A, among others, the possibility of introducing the following means of public address at the stadium has been established:
- single-beat drums
- megaphones
Regulations for the use of Bentegodi Stadium
Hellas Verona Code of Conduct